Thursday, September 14, 2017

Organizational approaches

Recently stated in our reading, (Medical Language Chapter 2) there 7 different organizational approaches to studying the human body. These approaches are several ways to divide, separate, and organize the body into logical ways depending on a specific view point. You can separate the body by body planes and body directions. This is common as well as by using body cavities and body systems. Anatomy and physiology are great strategies along with quadrants and regions.

Your Impact on the healthcare market

In the world of healthcare there are many choices for individuals to consider when making sure needs are meet in order to get, the quality of healthcare necessary to stay healthy in the community. Depending on financial obstacles it can be at times very difficult to afford the proper care needed to provide quality healthcare for you and your family. With President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act, it is now a lot easier to obtain affordable healthcare options.